A project aimed at pimping up elderly people’s zimmer frames has been reignited by a Shropshire care home – but this time with an additional dose of sparkle.

Coverage Care’s Woodcroft home in Market Drayton introduced the ‘Pimp My Zimmer’ initiative last year as a way of reducing the number of falls among residents.

The project encouraged those living at the home to personalise their walking aids by spray painting them different colours such as pink, purple and orange or decorating them with stickers.

Home manager Kelly Lowry said the project had proven so successful that staff had decided to reintroduce it to give newer residents at the home the chance to be involved.

She said: “Zimmer frames are set to an individual’s height and selected for their specific mobility needs and using the wrong one can cause a fall.

“The ‘Pimp My Zimmer’ project is all about reassuring residents that they are using the correct one. Jazzing up the grey frame in different colours and with stickers means individual frames are more identifiable.

“This time around we are taking the project a step further and residents have been choosing different themes for decorating their walking aids.

“One resident has chosen to create a black and yellow frame to resemble a bumble bee whilst another one of our residents Mary, who has always been known as ‘Mary the Fairy’, has chosen to decorate her zimmer with a fairy skirt and sparkles. Other ideas include a cow-themed frame by one of our ladies who has always lived on a farm.

“We’ve had some fantastic suggestions and ideas and residents have been having lots of fun creating their personalised frames.”

Woodcroft provides residential care for mainly older people and those with dementia as well as a community day centre and respite and short stay facilities.

Zimmer frames are used by a number of the residents and since being introduced last year, the home has seen a reduction in the number of falls.

Coverage Care chief executive Chris Wall, said: “This is a fantastic project and we are delighted residents are having such fun coming up with different themes and ideas for decorating their walking aids.

“The potential consequence of using someone else’s zimmer which is not appropriate for an individual’s needs can be very serious if they fall. It can cause injuries and other health implications so this scheme is a wonderful way to minimise any potential confusion.”

Coverage Care cares for mainly older people in 14 homes across the county in Shrewsbury, Telford, Whitchurch, Oswestry, Newport, Wellington, Bridgnorth and Bishops Castle.

All homes are rated as either ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ in the national rating system.