In the scenic town of Bishop’s Castle, a heart-warming tale of lifelong friendship has emerged at Coverage Care’s Stone House Residential Home. Gwenda Corfield, known affectionately as Elsie, aged 96, and Eileen Richards, aged 95, have shared a bond that has stood the test of time.
Their journey began at Lydbury North School, where both Elsie and Eileen attended together, leaving at the tender age of 14 in 1942. Their roots were intertwined in The Lower Down, with Elsie residing at Lower Down Farm and Eileen in a cottage across the road.
Post-school life saw Elsie dedicating her time to the farm, caring for her siblings and the farmworkers. Her heart found its match in George Corfield of Charlton Farm, whom she married in 1951 and where Eileen was bridesmaid. Together, they welcomed three children into the world: Robert, Malcolm, and Judith.
Eileen’s path led her to Charles Richards, a bus driver for Midland Red from Churchstoke. Their union in 1958 took her to Bayston Hill in Shrewsbury, where she spent most of her life and contributed to the community as a telephonist at the Shrewsbury Telephone Exchange.
Despite the twists and turns of life, Elsie and Eileen’s friendship never wavered. When they both found themselves widowed, they started to think about their next chapter. In an amazing coincidence, and within six months of each other, they both became residents of Coverage Care’s Stone House, a place that symbolizes their enduring friendship.
Eileen, who did not have children of her own, became a cherished figure to Elsie’s children, earning the endearing title of ‘Aunty Lyle’. Elsie, now living with dementia, still holds dear the memories of her childhood escapades with her best friend Eileen and loves to reminisce with Eileen and the care staff at the home.
Elsie and Eileen’s story are a testament to the power of friendship and the comfort it can bring throughout life. It seems that some bonds are truly unbreakable, spanning decades and life’s many changes, and theirs has only grown stronger with time as Elsie and Eileen are reunited once more.
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