A new project launched at a Shropshire care home is helping residents to keep fit and active.

Staff at Innage Grange in Bridgnorth are encouraging those living at the home to walk as far as they can each day and record their efforts as part of a new mobility campaign.

Home manager Claire Childs, who is helping to run the initiative, said residents had responded positively to the challenge with many managing to walk several metres a day.

Innage Grange residents take part in new mobility project.

She said: “This initiative has been a great way to get people moving and a fantastic way to keep them fit and active. So far 12 residents have signed up to take part.

“Each day they record how far they have walked along our man-made high street on a chart so that they can see how much progress they’ve made at the end of each week.

“Between them, they are already starting to clock up some impressive distances and are on target to have collectively walked a total of 5 miles in just over a month. But the important thing is they are having fun.

“It doesn’t matter if people manage one metre or 10, as even just a small amount of physical activity each day is important as you get older to make sure the muscles and joints keep moving.

“Of course there are lots of other benefits too in terms of lowering blood pressure and also the feel good factor.”

The new project to get residents mobile follows a recent sports day event held at the home which saw residents take part in traditional sports day activities such as the egg and spoon race.

Innage Grange, located on Innage Lane, is one of 14 care homes operated by Coverage Care Services, a not-for-profit organisation.

It has 83 bedrooms, a busy cafe and a unique street interior design with a shop and a hairdressers bringing the home to life.